
20,000 Masks for Mount Agung ‘s Eruption Victims.

Mount Agung in the gods’ island of Bali has erupted on November 21, and plumes of steam and ash began to emerge from Mount Agung, reaching miles into the sky

On Monday 27 November 2017, Indonesia’s National Board for Disaster Management raised its alert for the volcano, Mount Agung, to the highest-level possible, and said in a statement that a “potential for a larger eruption is imminent” had forced the evacuation of 140,000 people living nearby. An evacuation area was extended to six miles around the volcano.

According to local authority, the victims urgently need mask supply since the ashes rain has reached the districts around Mount Agung. In response to this, IGCN has sent 20,000 Masks to help the refugees to avoid the ashes that has been developing since last week. The donation was delivered to the disaster post in Tanah Ampo area.

Until Nov 30th 2017, the authorities has increased the alert level to four is because the magma is getting higher and higher.

Any contributions for this disaster are still welcomed. You can send the contribution to:

Posko Tanah Ampo
Jl. Tanah Ampo, Manggis, Kabupaten Karangasem,
Bali, 80871 Tel: 085333181531 (Ni Ketut Puspa Kumari)