
Women Empowerment through Business Matchmaking to support ITC SheTrades Initiative

The month of October was closed by IGCN with “SheTrades Business Matchmaking” to support ITC SheTrades initiative, which aims to connect one million women entrepreneurs to market, locally and globally by year 2020. The matchmaking was to connect womenpreneurs  (Small – Medium Enterprises (SMEs)) with national’s renowned corporations to get access to the market. Participated by 17 corporations and 31 SMEs having their business operations based from various locations including West Sumatra, Central Java, Flores and Berau, etc., ITC SheTrades Business Matchmaking was held at (and under the courtesy of) PPM Manajemen Building, Jakarta on 31st October 2017.

It is expected that there will be business signing agreements between corporations and SMEs as a result of this initiative. The initiative is expected to be held twice a year to bring in more womenpreuneurs connected with market.

Indonesia Global Compact Network (IGCN), the local network of United Nations Global Compacts is currently in collaboration with International Trade Centre (ITC), the joint agency of World Trade Organization and the United Nations, headquartered in Geneva, to support SheTrades initiative. It is an initiative that provides women entrepreneurs around the world with a unique network and platform to connect to international markets. SheTrades, which aims to connect one million women entrepreneurs to market by 2020, also works with corporations to include more women entrepreneurs in their supply chain. 

List of corporates that joined SheTrades Business Matchmaking:

  1. Alun-Alun Indonesia Kreasi, PT
  2. Bebek Garing Sejahtera Indonesia, PT
  3. Crowde
  4. Datascrip, PT
  5. Dunamis Organization Services
  6. Fortune, PT
  7. Lingkar Seni Indonesia, PT
  8. Lintas Jeram Nusantara, PT (Arus Liar)
  9. MarkPlus Inc.
  10. Martha Tilaar Group
  11. Naga Jaya Sejahtera Indonesia, PT
  12. Neo Expo Promosindo, PT
  13. Rajawali Corpora, PT
  14. Sarinah (Persero), PT
  15. Supra Boga Lestari, PT (Ranch Market)
  16. Toegoe Respati, PT
  17. Tugu Group

List of SMEs that joined SheTrades Business Matchmaking:

  1. Abon Koki Purbalingga
  2. Alasi Wood Coaster
  3. Arisoft Riset Informatika, PT
  4. Aseries Informix Solusi Teknologi, PT
  5. Awrago
  6. Cessbi Kids Bag
  7. Clantique
  8. Du’Anyam
  9. Gadjian.com
  10. House of Lenny Riana
  11. inaRaya
  12. Jahitan Bunda
  13. Jemi Children Clothing
  14. Kampung Kearifan Indonesia (JAVARA), PT
  15. Kohvee Story
  16. Kopi Rempah TaraKahve
  17. Kriya and Me Creative Studio
  18. MALA Eco Tours
  19. Mamapia Nursing Maternity Wear
  20. Mei by Omah Manten
  21. MiMitea
  22. My Daily Hijab (NDP For Fashion)
  23. Nadya Fashion
  24. Nengmas Kids Batik
  25. Noesa
  26. O-Nadi Crochet
  27. ORADIVE Komodo
  28. Salaku
  29. Sambel Sedep Oma
  30. Uni Tutie Rendang
  31. Zenvin