On the 28th of February, UNESCO and IGCN signed a Framework of Agreement at the United Nations Office in Jakarta, in the presence of Ms. Valerie Julliand, the United Nations Resident Coordinator in Indonesia and Dr Itje Chodidjah, Executive Chair of the Indonesian National Commission for UNESCO Ministry of Education, Culture, Research and Technology, Indonesia.
This partnership will enable the cooperation between UNESCO and IGCN to act as a catalyst to support efforts to improve access and quality of education in Indonesia through capacity-building and training for school principals and teachers to improve the school management, instructional and learning materials in line with the national curriculum.

UNESCO’s work promotes a culture of peace, celebrates diversity and defends human rights while encompassing quality educational development from pre-school to higher education and beyond.
“In a world experiencing rapid change, and where cultural, political, economic and social upheaval challenges traditional ways of life, education has a major role to play in promoting social cohesion and peaceful coexistence. UNESCO has the belief that through programmes that encourage dialogue between students of different cultures, beliefs and religions, education can make an important and meaningful contribution to sustainable and tolerant societies”, said Mr. Mohamed Djelid, Director of the UNESCO Regional Science Bureau for Asia and the Pacific and UNESCO Representative for Brunei Darussalam, Indonesia, Malaysia, the Philippines, and Timor-Leste.

IGCN’s mission is to promote, facilitate and mainstream the implementation of the UN Global Compact 10 Principles in Indonesia covering the area of human rights, labour, environment, and anti-corruption. IGCN is committed to support the achievement of SDGs in Indonesia. IGCN believes that an equal and equitable improvement in the quality of education is required in order to achieve SDG4 (Quality Education for All).
“Human Development is one of the most critical requirements for the achievement of all the SDGs. Therefore, we need to urgently scale up these efforts, in a collaborative action with all actors. It is not only to accelerate the achievement of SDGs, but also to ensure that the sustainability approach will be continued by the next generation. It is a long-term investment. The IGCN’s “SDGs Thematic Focus” includes the SDG4 – Education Transformation program called “KUPUKU”a technology platform dedicated to address the current challenges in the Indonesian education system,” said Mr. Y.W. Junardy, President of Indonesia Global Compact Network.

UNESCO and IGCN hope that this partnership will inspire stakeholders, especially the private sector in joining this initiative to promote Intercultural Education in the interests of peace and understanding.