UNICEF, in collaboration with the Business and Children’s Rights Working Group (BCRWG) and the Indonesia Global Compact Network (IGCN), organized a Masterclass Training of Trainers from December 4 to 6, 2023, held at the BINUS Business School Campus on the 6th floor of FX Sudirman in Jakarta. The training provided an opportunity for individuals interested in becoming trainers/facilitators and exploring The Child Rights and Business Principle (CRBP).
CRBP , developed in 2012 by the UN Global Compact in partnership with UNICEF, is based on the UN Guiding Principles on Business and Human Rights. It offers guidelines for companies to establish a workplace that respects children’s rights, applicable in the workplace, marketplace, and community. The event was attended by 35 participants (8 companies, 2 academia, and 16 organizations) representing on these following:
- PT. Isores Sinergi Internasional
- Musim Mas
- PT. Chandra Batuah Alam Lestari (Unit Aston Tanjung City)
- PT Indo Muro Kencana
- PT Astra International Tbk
- Jala Samudra Mandiri
- Binus Business School
- Universitas Katolik Parahyangan Bandung
- Komnas HAM
- Global Reporting Initiative
- Roundtable Sustainable Palm Oil
- Yayasan Pusat Kajian Perlindungan Anak (PKPA)
- Asosiasi Kakao Indonesia (Askindo)
- Green Network Asia
- Oxford University Clinical research unit (OUCRU) Indonesia
- Grenpace
- Indonesia Business Council for Sustainable Development (IBCSD)
- Emancipate Indonesia
- Yayasan KDM
- Partnership for Against Child Labour in Agriculture (PAACLA)
- SocialDrives
- ECPAT Indonesia