
The ACCA Workshops 2023

Anti-Corruption Collective Action (ACCA) Regional Workshop in Sorong, Southwest Papua

Indonesia is a major key producer of agricultural products. Not only it provides income for the majority of Indonesian households, but it also absorbs a large portion of the labor force both in informal and formal sectors. A land-based sector in particular, faces very complex and systemic corruption issues that require massive effort and collaboration in order to shift the culture to become cleaner and more transparent.

Considering the corruption vulnerability in this sector, Indonesia Global Compact Network (IGCN) and United Nations Office on Drugs and Crimes (UNODC), in collaboration with Komisi Pemberantasan Korupsi (KPK) hosted a 1-day workshop in Sorong, Southwest Papua on June 16th, 2023 to discussed with the private sector on how to respond the identified corruption risks and strengthen their internal system.

The objective of the workshop was to conduct a general check up on the level of maturity of companies’ anti-corruption policy, raised awareness about corruption issues, incorporated the effective approaches, and identified anti-corruption strategies to promote stronger business ethics and codes of conduct.

The activities in this event comprised workshops covering the topics of:

  1. Corruption Risk in the Agribusiness Sector
  2. Guidance on Corruption Prevention (Panduan CEK KPK)
  3. Global Compact Ten Principles
  4. United Nations Convention Against Corruption (UNCAC) on Private Sector Integrity

This workshop was also supported by the Southwest Papua Provincial Department of Environment, Forestry and Land Affairs, the Indonesian Palm Oil Association (GAPKI), and the Indonesian Palm Oil Farmers Association and has gathered 42 in-person participants from 28 companies. The event was opened with remarks from:

  • Julian Kelly Kambu, Head of the Southwest Papua Provincial Department of Environment, Forestry and Land Affairs;
  • Y.W. Junardy, President of IGCN;
  • Zoelda Anderton, Deputy Country Manager of the UNODC; and
  • Aminudin as Director of Anti-Corruption for Business Entities (AKBU) from the KPK.

This workshop will be followed by two other provinces; East Kalimantan and South Sumatra.

Mr. Julian Kelly Kambu, Head of the Southwest Papua Provincial Department of Environment, Forestry and Land Affairs

Mr. Y.W. Junardy, President of IGCN

Zoelda Anderton, Deputy Country Manager of the UNODC

Zoelda Anderton, Deputy Country Manager of the UNODC