Jakarta, 30 May 2023 —
Innovation is key for businesses to align their objectives with public needs and stay sustainable in the long-term period. By acquiring this understanding, the UN Global Compact realized the importance of involving young professionals in innovation and changeover. SDG Innovation Accelerator then was presented to give a meaningful impact and a catalyst to increase talent’s skills in creativity, problem-solving, and applying business acumen to the development of new products and services to address global challenges. Exclusively young professionals were believed to be promising in this enclosure with more young people seeing it as an integral component of solving multi dimensional issues.
This program, which started in January 2023 with a series of events involving CEOs, government agents, and business practitioners, was officially launched on Tuesday, May 30, 2023, at the Novotel Jakarta, Cikini. This event launch was targeted to create high engagement with members and business stakeholders in the SDGs Innovation Accelerator and develop strong networking among participants, both members and companies. This event provided participants with meaningful engagement among members to catch long-term projections, along with learning and collaboration avenues for participants and business leaders.

The SDG Innovation Official Launched was presented by leading speakers, comprising
- Dr. H. Sandiaga Salahudin Uno (Minister of Tourism and Creative Economy of the Republic of Indonesia)
- Elim Sritaba (Chief Sustainability Officer, Asia Pulp & Paper)
- Tony Wenas (President Director, PT Freeport Indonesia)
- Merry Marteighianti (VP Upstream Research & Technology Innovation, PT Pertamina)
- Y. W. Junardy (President, UN Global Compact Indonesia Network)
- Josephine Satyono (Executive Director, UN Global Compact Indonesia Network)
- Aurellia Michelle (Young Innovator, PT Kalbe Farma Tbk.)
- Hotasi Nababan as Moderator (Executive Director, KADIN)
The 16 participating companies are:
- PT Sarana Jaya
- PT APRIL (Grup Asia Pacific Resources International Limited)
- PT Pertamina (Persero)
- PT Pertamina Hulu Energi
- PT Kilang Pertamina Internasional
- PT Industri Jamu dan Farmasi Sido Muncul Tbk
- PT Pabrik Kertas Tjiwi Kimia Tbk
- Indah Kiat Pulp & Paper
- PT Gajah Tunggal Tbk
- Amartha
- PT Kalbe Farma Tbk
- PT Rajawali Corpora
- PT PLN (Persero)
- PT Freeport Indonesia
- PT TBS Energi Utama Tbk
- PT Transkon Jaya Tbk
Click to read more about SDG Innovation Accelerator for Young Professionals Official Launch
The SDG Innovation series comprised of a chain of events, included:
- Global Launch on 31 January
- Local Ideation on 24 March
- CAMP 1-5 with Facilitator by Dr. Randhi Satria., S.IP., M.A and Septyanto Galan Prakoso, S.IP., M.Sc
- CAMP 1: “SDGs Exploration” (UNGC Academy in February)
- CAMP 2: “Challenge Identification” & Self Development” (Online on 5 April)
- CAMP 3: “Challenge Definition” (Offline on 30 May)
- CAMP 4: “Solutions Development” (Online on 6 June)
- CAMP 5: “Solution Validation and TestinG” (Online on 27 June)
- #0: Why It Matters: Let’s Talk SDGs! On 28 February
- #1: Design Thinking! On 22 March 22
- #2: Defining and validating stakeholders: developing customer personas” on 2 May
- #3: Can Lean Startups Helps You on 17 May
- #4 On Pretotyping, Prototyping and User Testing on 9 June
- #5 “Mastering the Art of Storytelling” on 11 July
- Local Official Launch on 30 May
- Global Feedback Session 1 and 2 on 25 April and 21 June respectively