Commemorating the World Anti-Corruption Day on December 8th 2023, Indonesia Global Compact Network (IGCN) together with the Collective Action Initiative against Corruption (CAC) Indonesia, Transparency International Indonesia (TII), International Chamber of Commerce (ICC) Indonesia, Paramadina University and supported by PPM Management held the Launching of the Anti-Corruption Collective Action Guidebook at Building B, PPM Management, South Jakarta.

The activity began with a talk show presented by Noke Kiroyan (Chair of ICC Indonesia), Y. W. Junardy (President of IGCN), Andi Ilham Said (Chair of the CAC Indonesia Task Force), Danang Widoyoko (Secretary General of TII), Dr. Dra. Prima Naomi (Lecturer at Paramadina University), and moderated by Natalia Soebagjo (IGCN Advisory Board) with the theme “United Against Corruption through Collective Action”. The talk show emphasizes the important role of the private sector, government, non-profit organizations, academics, and elements of society in joint efforts to prevent corruption.

Furthermore, the launch of the Anti-Corruption Collective Action Guidebook (Indonesian Version) was led by Evy Rosriani (Senior Manager – Programs, IGCN) and Aina Putri Fadilla (Program Manager – Business Ethics and Governance, IGCN), who introduced the structure of the book as follows:
- The history and importance of collective action
- Framework, types and relevance of collective action
- Internal-external preparation and consideration
- In-depth analysis of the main roles
- The future of collective action
- A guide for the business world to play an active role in collective anti-corruption action.

It is then followed by a Call-to-Action from Business to Governments from the United Nations Global Compact and the United Nations Office and Drugs promoting the commitment of companies in the world to eradicate corruption and urging governments across the world to ratify these efforts.
IGCN appreciates the following companies that have signed the anti-corruption commitment:
- PT Indah Kiat Pulp & Paper, Tbk
- PT Pabrik Kertas Tjiwi Kimia, Tbk
- PT Pindo Deli Pulp And Paper Mills
- PT Lontar Papyrus Pulp & Paper Industry
- PT Ekamas Fortuna
- PT Oki Pulp and Paper Mills
- PT APP Purinusa Ekapersada
- Rajawali Corpora
- Martha Tilaar Group
- Kupuku
- MarkPlus Corp.
- PT Singaland Asetama
- Satya & Co.
- AfterOil Energi Utama
- PT Avia Avian Tbk
- PT Global Advis Indonesia
- OXO Group Indonesia
- Junatama Foodia Kreasindo

Finally, the Corruption Eradication Commission (KPK) gave a closing remarks about the celebration of World Anti-Corruption Day which was held by the KPK on 12-13 December 2023 at Istora Senayan, Jakarta, in the form of a series of discussions and exhibitions with the theme “Synergy to Eradicate Corruption for Advanced Indonesia”.