
IGCN Took Part in Asia Pacific Leaders Forum 2017

Indonesia hosted Asia Pacific Leaders Forum (APLF) 2017 themed “Open Government Indonesia”. More than 500 government representatives, civil society organizations and other development actors attended the event. This event served as a space for participants to exchange knowledge and best practices in open government implementation and facilitate potential collaboration. APLF 2017 was successfully held in 14 December 2017 at Borobudur Hotel, Jakarta.

Indonesia is one of the eight founding governments of the Open Government Partnership (OGP), therefore, this year, Indonesia was appointed to be the host of this international event. H.E Jusuf Kalla, The Vice President of Indonesia, who was opened APLF 2017 contended that Open Government is the key to gain trust and support from the citizen towards public institution and to ensure that the government could work effectively, efficient, participative, and accountable.

Asia Pacific Leaders Forum 2017 was a co-joint event between Bappenas, Ministry of Foreign Affair, and The President Office and as a part of President Jokowi’s Nawa Cita agenda.

Indonesia Global Compact Network’s (IGCN) President, Mr. Y.W. Junardy, who has been continuously supportive towards government’s plan in realizing Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs),was at the Opening Plenary as a Speaker to represent Lise Kingo, Executive Director of UN Global Compact representing the Private Sector, which is the steering wheel for the economy.

His presence encouraged the government to run an open government, which supports the implementation of The 10 Principles of UN Global Compact and the adoption of responsible and sustainable business operations in the achievement of SDGs. He reminded the discussions that have been done together with the government would be the unification of time zone in Indonesia, which consists of three zones, into one zone. This will make it easier for regions in all three zones to communicate within the same time zone, which will bring significant changes in efficiency.

IGCN also gave its supports on the Open Government Forum by inviting some of IGCN members as Speakers and Expert Respondent, Ms. Elim Sritaba, Director of Sustainability & Stakeholders Engagement of Asia Pulp & Paper (APP Group), participated in amplifying the voice of the private sector at the Closing Plenary, and Mr. Bima Santosa, Deputy Rector Paramadina University took part as an Expert Respondent during the Institutional Accountability sessions.