The “Gender, Digital Technologies, and the Role of Business” session featured speakers from notable organizations, including Hélène Molinier (UN Women), Caitlin Kraft-Buchman (Women at the Table), Claudia Flores (Yale Law School), Elonnai Hickok (Global Network Initiative), Amy Colando (Microsoft), and Mona Sinha (Equality Now).
Held at the Javits Center on 24 September, the session explored the intersection of gender, digital technologies, and the role of business, focusing on the implications of the UN Guiding Principles on Business and Human Rights for technology companies’ responsibilities regarding women’s and girls’ rights. The UN Global Compact Country Network Indonesia was represented by Evy Rosriani, Senior Manager – Programs, and actively participated in the discussion.
This crucial dialogue aimed to identify existing tools and resources for the tech industry to assess and mitigate impacts on women and girls, addressing gaps or barriers to integrating gender considerations in technology.
The session engaged participants in a conversation about key considerations and resources related to the responsibilities of technology companies and the duties of States in protecting women’s and girls’ rights, highlighting Indonesia’s commitment to advancing these important discussions.