On 12-13 December 2023 at Istora Senayan, IGCN participated in an exhibition with the theme “Synergy to Eradicate Corruption for Advanced Indonesia” with 5 non-profit organizations and 59 companies, ministries and other agencies involved held by the Corruption Eradication Commission (KPK) commemorating the International Anti-Corruption Day.
The event is carried out taking into account that eradicating corruption must involve all elements of Indonesian society. The objectives of implementing this activity are as follows:
- Provide an overview of the forms of support and development of participation efforts to eradicate corruption carried out by ministries/agencies, local government, business sector, education sector, including civil society.
- Strengthening synergy and collaboration between ministries/agencies and the government regional, business sector, education sector, as well as internal community organizations carry out efforts to eradicate corruption.
- Expanding community involvement in disseminating and implementing anti-corruption values so that they can improve understanding and encouraging community involvement in carrying out corruption Eradication.
- Get an overview of future follow-up plans in eradication efforts of corruption in each agency or sector.

The Integrity Expo was attended by 7,727 visitors and opened with welcoming remarks from the President of the Republic of Indonesia, Joko Widodo, and continued with discussions and exhibitions. On this occasion IGCN exhibits:
- Playbook Anti-Corruption Collective Action (Indonesian Version)
- Anti-Corruption Collective Actions Regional Workshops Report 2023
- Fighting Corruption in the Supply Chain: A Guide for Customers and Suppliers
- A Guide for Anti-Corruption Risk Assessment
- Digital Course: Taking Collective Action for Anti-Corruption
As well as the Ten Principles of the UN Global Compact along with information on other program accelerators such as SDG Innovation, Business and Human Rights Accelerator Program, Target Gender Equality, and Climate Ambition Accelerator. The exhibition ended with a closing ceremony and awards to the agencies and organizations involved.