
Clean Water and Sanitation

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Clean Water and Sanitation: UNGC Drives Business Action for Everyone’s Right

Access to clean water and sanitation is a fundamental human right, yet billions worldwide lack this essential need. Recognizing this crisis, the UN Global Compact (UNGC) champions responsible business practices that contribute to Sustainable Development Goal 6: clean water and sanitation for all.

Through the CEO Water Mandate, the UNGC mobilizes companies to commit to six core elements, including reducing water use, managing watersheds sustainably, and advocating for responsible water policy. The initiative fosters responsible water stewardship across industries, encouraging partnerships and sharing best practices. Additionally, the UNGC supports businesses in addressing sanitation challenges through initiatives like the Sanitation and Water for All partnership. By promoting responsible water management and sanitation solutions, the UNGC empowers businesses to be part of the solution, ensuring a future where everyone has access to this life-sustaining resource.

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