Reshaping Tomorrow: Asian Private Sector Leadership in Climate Action and Resilience
The event serves as an avenue for private sectors in the Asia Pacific region to show what they have contributed to achieving the goals of the Paris Agreement, and at the same time, their potential further contribution and critical roles in advancing climate actions, organized by UNFCCC and UNGC MYB, with support from RCC Asia-Pacific. The event included a C-Suite Roundtable and a Panel discussion of the Executive Directors of UN Global Compact Regional Networks and representatives from the UN.

The event was aligned with the paradigm shifts that the incoming COP 28 Presidency envisioned to deliver the pillars of the Paris Agreement, in particular fast-tracking the energy transition and slashing emissions before 2030, under which the incoming COP28 Presidency is working with state and industry partners globally to deliver the ambitious energy package that science tells us we need, in order to bring us back on track to limit the temperature rise of the globe. The event was a mandated event as part of the 6-year work plan of the Response Measure Forum and the Katowice Committee of Experts on the Impacts of the Implementation of Response Measures. It aims at complementing the preparation of the technical paper on best practices in engaging the private sector to facilitate the creation of decent work and quality jobs in low greenhouse gas emission sectors. Josephine Satyono, Executive Director of IGCN was attending the event virtually.