
APINDO and GAPKI Declare Collective Anti-Corruption Action Supported by IGCN, UNODC, and KPK

APINDO and GAPKI declared an anti-corruption collective action on Wednesday, July 31, 2024 at the Ballroom of the Grand Jatra Hotel, Balikpapan, East Kalimantan. The declaration was supported by the Indonesia Global Compact Network (IGCN), the United Nations Office on Drugs & Crime (UNODC), and the Corruption Eradication Commission (KPK). The purpose of the declaration is to create a clean, ethical and responsible business environment in business practices.

The Chairperson of APINDO East Kalimantan, Slamet Brotosiswoyo, plans to convey the results of the declaration of the anti-corruption collective action to the East Kalimantan Provincial Government. This is done in order to create real action in eradicating corruption in the region.
“We from APINDO and our staff will bring the results of this joint agreement to the Acting Governor of East Kalimantan with the hope that there will be strong follow-up to continue this declaration. This declaration of anti-corruption collective action is a pioneer of the first anti-corruption movement in East Kalimantan. Hopefully this can be a good example for other associations/organizations/companies,” concluded Slamet Brotosiswoyo.

The commitment to the declaration of anti-corruption collective action that has been agreed upon is stated in five concrete steps, namely:

1) Strengthening collaboration in eradicating corruption between the government, business actors, associations, workers, and the community,
2) Enforcing fair law and aligning anti-corruption perceptions among law enforcers and stakeholders and/or related organizations,
3) Strengthening corporate institutions in implementing anti-corruption policies and business with integrity,
4) Increasing awareness and compliance with the law and anti-corruption education, and
5) Strengthening government bureaucratic reform.

IGCN President, Yaya W. Junardy added that corruption is a national problem that cannot be solved by one actor alone. All stakeholders must act collectively to overcome corruption in this country.
“Corruption hampers economic growth to achieve SDGs and Indonesia Emas 2045. With the declaration of anti-corruption collective action that has been agreed upon by APINDO and GAPKI and supported by IGCN, UNODC and KPK, it is hoped that this declaration will receive positive support from the Regional Government and civil society in its implementation,” added Yaya W. Junardy.

The Chairperson of the Indonesian Anti-Corruption Coalition (KAKI), Erry Riyana Hardjapamekas also expressed the importance of eradicating corruption through a long-term movement. This is needed to create an Indonesia free from corruption in a comprehensive and equitable manner.
“This declaration of anti-corruption collective action must be carried out starting now. We must protect our children and grandchildren in the future generation. The existence of cooperation and declaration between stakeholders is a big step towards realizing a clean and integrity-based future,” said Erry Riyana Hardjapamekas.

With the successful signing of the joint commitment, the Deputy Chairperson of APINDO East Kalimantan, Rivai Sudirman hopes that through this declaration, the palm oil industry in East Kalimantan will develop rapidly in the next 20 years. This is conveyed as in a Chinese proverb. “A Chinese proverb says the best time to plant a tree is 20 years ago, so that we can enjoy the fruit today. The second best time is today, so that we can enjoy the fruit 20 years from now,” concluded Rivai Sudirman.