
The Child Rights and Business Principle (CRBP) Masterclass Training (ToT), 4-7 December 2023

UNICEF,  in collaboration with the Business and Children’s Rights Working Group (BCRWG) and the Indonesia Global Compact Network (IGCN), organized a Masterclass Training of Trainers from December 4 to 6, 2023, held at the BINUS Business School Campus on the 6th floor of FX Sudirman in Jakarta. The training provided an opportunity for individuals interested in becoming trainers/facilitators and exploring The Child Rights and Business Principle (CRBP).

IGCN Participation at the COP28, Dubai UAE, 2 -7 December 2023

The High-Level Meeting of Caring for Climate session, located at Blue Zone – Meeting Room (Climate Action Zone), Hosted by the UN Global Compact, together with UN Environment Programme and UN Climate Change, the in-person meeting brings together senior executives of business, industry, finance, civil society, the United Nations and Government to help accelerate immediate cuts to greenhouse gas emissions and act decisively to avert a climate catastrophe. The gathering aimed to bring forward a strong business message of climate ambition and help to scale and speed climate action in light of the completion of the first Global Stocktake. Indonesian observer participants: Elim Sritaba, Chief Sustainability Officer, Asia Pulp & Paper (APP) Sinar Mas; Josephine Satyono, Executive Director, Indonesia Global Compact Network (IGCN).

Asia-Pacific Climate Week 2023, Bandar Johor Bahru, Malaysia, 14 November 2023

The event serves as an avenue for private sectors in the Asia Pacific region to show what they have
contributed to achieving the goals of the Paris Agreement, and at the same time, their potential further
contribution and critical roles in advancing climate actions, organized by UNFCCC and UNGC MYB, with support from RCC Asia-Pacific. The event included a C-Suite Roundtable and a Panel discussion of the Executive Directors of UN Global Compact Regional Networks and representatives from the UN.

IGCN Participation at Integrity Expo KPK, 12-13 December 2023

On 12-13 December 2023 at Istora Senayan, IGCN participated in an exhibition with the theme “Synergy to Eradicate Corruption for Advanced Indonesia” with 5 non-profit organizations and 59 companies, ministries and other agencies involved held by the Corruption Eradication Commission (KPK) commemorating the International Anti-Corruption Day.

10th Conference of the State Parties (CoSP10) to the UNCAC, Private Sector Forum, 11-12 Dec 2023

The United Nations Global Compact and the United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime (UNODC) co-hosted the Private Sector Forum (PSF) on the margins of the tenth session of the Conference of the States Parties (CoSP10) to the United Nations Convention against Corruption (UNCAC). The event took place in Georgia World Congress Center, Atlanta, USA, from 11 to 12 December 2023, marking the 20th Anniversary of the UNCAC.

Launch of Anti-Corruption Collective Action (ACCA) Playbook and Call to Action, 8 December 2023

Commemorating the World Anti-Corruption Day on December 8th 2023, Indonesia Global Compact Network (IGCN) together with the Collective Action Initiative against Corruption (CAC) Indonesia, Transparency International Indonesia (TII), International Chamber of Commerce (ICC) Indonesia, Paramadina University and supported by PPM Management held the Launching of the Anti-Corruption Collective Action Guidebook at Building B, PPM Management, South Jakarta.

doctorSHARE 14th Anniversary, 18 November 2023

On the celebration marked the 14th anniversary at Yayasan Dokter Peduli (doctorSHARE), where provided health care and services to the most vulnerable and unreachable communities in Indonesia, Indonesia Global Compact Network (IGCN) has invited as valued guests to participate in this special event. Since 2009, doctorSHARE has reached over 300,000 patients in Indonesia, and aims to continue collaborating with strategic partners under the theme of ‘In Collaboration for a Healthy Indonesia.’ The anniversary celebration took place on Saturday, 18 November 2023, at Batavia Marina Restaurant, Ancol, North Jakarta.

UNGC Shanghai Regional Meeting, 3-9 November 2023

The Global Compact team from APAC began the month of November by gathering together in Shanghai, China. The primary agenda of the meeting was to discuss and finalize 2024 Global Priorities as well as to introduce the Forward Faster programme as a way to further engage members on accelerating the 17 Sustainable Development Goals.

Stakeholders Consultation Breakfast, 1 November 2023

On November 1, Indonesia Global Compact Network in collaboration with UN Global Compact held a Stakeholders Consultation Breakfast with the theme “Scaling the Global Impact for Sustainable Ocean Business”. The event was held at Grand City Restaurant & Banquet Hall, 6th Floor, Manhattan Hotel Jakarta which was attended by agencies from various sectors such as Government, UN Institutions, Business, and Business Associations. This event aims to introduce the programs of the Ocean Stewardship Coalition as well as open discussion space for various agencies for the opportunity to establish a local Ocean Stewardship Center in Indonesia.