Rini Angelina, HRGA Supervisor Logisticplus International – Jenneke Waworuntu, Relations Management Officer & Program Development of IGCN – Sinta Kaniawati, Country Director of A-PAD Indonesia – Poppy Dharsono, Founder and President of APPMI and Chairman of the Board of Directors APGAI – Cristina Satori of IGCN
The Mount Semeru volcano had its largest eruption in recent history, on the 4th of December 2021, causing injuries to 144 people, causing 48 fatalities and displacing nearly 10.000 people. When disasters like this happen, we, as society, have the duty and moral responsibility to help each other in every possible way.
A-PAD Indonesia, together with Indonesia Global Compact Network (IGCN), supported by Doctor Share and the Humanitarian Volunteer Team (TRK) Inclusion, with the core principle of “nobody is left behind”, joined forces and placed a call to action to come in the aid of those affected by this tragedy.
“Collective efforts from various stakeholders can bring synergy to help the affected communities. A-PAD Indonesia is ready to bridge this collective efforts and bring, especially the private sectors, to help in disaster response. We are grateful to have IGCN as a partner in this campaign dedicated to the Semeru disaster”, said Sinta Kaniawati.
Companies of all sizes, organizations and civil society have answered to the call, mobilized their resources and made financial and in kind donations.

On the 21st of March 2022, Sinta Kaniawati (A-PAD Indonesia), Rini Angelina (Logisticplus International) and representatives of IGCN, had received from APGAI, represented by Poppy Dharsono, more than 64 boxes containing masks, goggles, toys and over 3500 pieces of clothing to help alleviate the many lives affected by the volcano eruption.
“Specifically during the national disasters, APGAI and I, as the Chairman of APGAI for almost 24 years, are always ready to support those affected without any hesitation. We responded to the call to action made by A-PAD Indonesia and IGCN, and prepared donations for those affected” said Poppy Dharsono. “In this type of tragic situations, our Gotong Royong philosophy can be seen as our expression towards those in need”.
The donations will be transported by Logisticplus International to Lumajang where will be received and distributed to the affected families by Point of Goods Lumajang.
The Ten Principles of UN Global Compact have never been more important than today in helping the private sector to drive responsible business actions.
“Disasters like the volcanic eruption from Semeru, put in the spotlight the necessity of solidarity in front of adversity. By creating more ambitious actions and strengthen the multi-stakeholder collaboration we can bring positive impacts and make the world a better place” Josephine Satyono, Executive Director IGCN.
A-PAD and IGCN are grateful to have APGAI and APPMI joining forces to support in the Semeru Recovery, and hope that this actions can inspire others in taking steps in helping those in need.